Saturday, 19 September 2015

Is arguing; His existence needed

Does God exist? Yes. Do we need to prove his existence? No. there are proofs given by Thomas Aquinas. Are these proofs useless, no. proofs are good it helps us increase faith. We scratch our heads so much to prove that God exists that God no longer seems to be supreme, he becomes just like any other object. We reason so much that there is no place for faith. We have heard that faith and reason are the two wings of Christianity. If we run after reason all the time then there is no faith or very little faith. A bird cannot fly just with one wing. So to really have a good relationship with God we need to give space also for the faith element. To allow faith to grow, according to me we need to give a break to our quest of proving the existence of God. A simple man who has not done a research on Gods existence according to me seems to be more closer to God than all the great scholars who try to prove Gods existence. Live a simple life and simply believe in God. I exist because he is.

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