Tuesday 29 September 2015

Hi God!. Are You there.

God is a name
We use to identify You
As if to describe somebody set apart
Your essence is to exist
Absolute purity in all Your parts.

The ancient Greeks tried to know You
Some said You are the divine craftsman
Others said You are the pure act,
The unmoved mover or the first substance

Then came the dark ages
With some really bright people and proofs
You are the divine Being
Bang! Came Thomas Aquinas with his 5 proofs

When things were falling in place
Another blow! An opposition, question, etc.
God is not a proposition or principle to be proved,
But a person to be experienced
So now … how can I know You?

Are You just a projection of my thoughts?
Have You created me or is it I who have created You?
Are You merely the supremely intelligent
Or unique substance or the supreme monad
If just these then You must be kidding me
So I need the wager just to be on the safer side
Just to make sure that I won’t suffer
Is it like a business deal to believe You
If You exist, profit! If not there is no lose
Oh! Some say it’s a better “bet” to believe You

No! No! I believe You because I love You
I can feel Your love Your presence
You sacrificed Your son for me
I am because You are
And so I fall before Your brilliance
In adoration of Your being.
And call You humbly from within me what You are in truth
My truly loving god.

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