Superman!.... Is he a catholic?
Is superman created in the image of Christ just to deny the existence
of God? Is superman the new Christ?
These are a few interesting facts which show us a common
thread that we can see passing in Jesus and superman
Man of steel not of this earth
Was raised by human foster parents
Slowly came into his full powers
Started his good works in young adulthood
Championed the good
Had both “truth” and the “way” in his most
famous motto
People did not realize who he truly was
He relentlessly fought against evil
Novel (death and life of superman) he spends
time in a tomb, people later find it empty, he is seen again on earth
In our culture, superheroes often serve as models. This is
especially through of boys. Superman, Batman, Spider-man, etc. and also
inculturated forms like Saktiman, Karma, Krish etc. As we grow older we realize
that there is no superman or other such hero’s in reality. Our sturdy or other
things may influence us very much and we become so sophisticated that we even
deny God. Quite interestingly some highly influential philosophers, take for
example Nietzsche; said God is Dead. We need a superman. We can see that he
merely replaced God by placing superman in his place. We see that some
atheistic philosophers and scientists who say that it’s the ignorant who
believe in God actually themselves retain a belief in a superman.
‘The conception of “superman”, an idea put forth by some as
an alternative to Christian belief, can actually help lead us to Christ’ - Kevin Vost