Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Man beyond Boundaries: Fr. Conceicao

Fr. Conceicao is not only recognized because he is a priest but also because of his immense deeds of charity and his zeal and courage as the proclaimer of the Kingdom of God. At the very outset I would like to make a few things clear. Do not judge a book by its cover. Many people said many negative things about Fr. Conceicao. Jesus said; (Jn 8:7b) “Let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone.” We like to tarnish the image of others actually this in a way helps us to hide our own wrongdoings. We act righteous by condemning others. Whatever I am going to share below is purely my first hand personal experience of this wonder healer and mighty proclaimer. 
Frist impression
One fine evening while I was watering the plants in my front garden I saw a man short in stature but quite solid, he was wearing his jogging shorts and shoes while marching with his hands swinging in the air. He bellowed in a husky voice; Good evening, I’m Fr. Conceicao. I found myself dump, only reaction I could manage was a slight smile and a half waved hand. When he was out of sight my mom yelled at me, “Why didn’t you wish father should have taken his blessing”. I retorted; he suddenly came, I had not expected him to appear like a commoner, I had expected a priest in his white cassock. From that day onwards I knew he was special.  
Serving at the Altar 
We little lads always wanted to serve for mass and the intensity grew when Fr. Conceicao was appointed as the Parish Priest of our church, St. John the Baptist. When he was appointed to our church it was almost time for us to pack up, many of us were already in High School, but we flocked like little kids to serve, that was because we liked to be around him. We would try to catch our breath as we would get into the servers clothes, but father always waited for us, helped us calm down and would whisper words of advice before we would enter the sanctuary. He insisted that we would come to church with combed hair, ironed clothes and smiles on our face. He also encouraged us to become priests irrespective of congregation, he would say; “now you’ll are next to me, in few years’ time I want some of you to take my place.” 
Love for sport
Some may say it sounds like a cliché but I would still not take back my words. During vacations we would get ready with cricket bats, balls, soft drink Crates (acted as wickets), football and lift-able rocks for goal posts. Fr. Conceicao was our biggest benefactor, he never said no when we asked him for something. I clearly remember, one evening while we were wasting time near the church he shouted out aloud; “Ooohhhh Pires! Kitem korta re? Aiz hednai?” I ran to him and told him that we have lost the last cricket ball we had. He told me to go to his office and check in the drawer for the ball. I was discouraged after 5 mins of furious digging; I went to him with a pickled face and told him that I hadn’t found the ball. He gave me money to buy a new ball from the nearby shop. He would also organize football tournaments for us altar servers. He would come on the ground and motivate us to play better. 
Last meeting 
The last time I met him in person was when two years ago when I went to visit him in Raia, he welcomed me warmly. Sprinkled holy water and blessed me. Spoke for a while,  And then I gathered some courage and asked him: “Fr. there are people who are spoiling your name don’t you feel bad?” His reply amazed me, he said: “The tree that bears much fruit is always stoned,” he further added that “even Jesus was criticized for his brave ways of going about, he didn’t waste time in replying to every criticism, he went on doing good”. I came back home with increased respect for Fr. Conceicao. Last month I had published an article ‘Ami Goykar’ on O Heraldo a Goan daily, after reading it, he felt proud and told my parents that he was really happy for me he also expressed his desire of meeting me. Adeus Fr. Conceicao, you will be missed. If I’m worth, I wish I meet you enjoying with the heavenly Father.  

Monday, 1 March 2021

Lessons from Nature: Preparation

One of my favorite pass time is roaming around in the garden looking for something spectacular like, brightly coloured bees, freakish leaf shapes, a bizarre looking new shoot, some crawling beings, rugged trees with unique bark patterns and anything that surprises me. I was often disgusted when I saw a poinsettia plant; it looked so ordinary and wild. I was sickened at the point of cutting it off and planting something more attractive. 
Well, today was different and pleasantly shocking. The plant which I hated the most has become the apple of my eye. It was bright and Christmassy red and green. All this while I thought that the plant was fake or rather wild, useless and ugly, but what I witnessed today made me question my own life. I often want immediate success, but do I work and prepare enough? I want praise and glory, is my work worth it? Sometimes we invest just 10% into something and expect 100%. Are our expectations reasonable? 
I didn’t know much about this plant, I Googled and I got what I was looking for. These plants flower in mid-winter and last for quite some time. Like me many owners or gardeners of these plants are unhappy because, one has to practically wait for a year to see the flowers. The poinsettia is also known a short-day plant. This is because it needs total darkness for about 14 hours every day, for weeks to form flower buds. After the flowering is over the plant remains dormant during the spring. It need not be watered much and has to be in a dry, cool place. 
In this fast changing world of ours we want everything instantly, instant coffee, two minutes noodles, fast food, ready to eat parathas, etc.  This poinsettia has thought me that for something great and lasting the preparation too must be equivalent to the result expected. The flowers were so good that I don’t mind waiting for another year to just witness this divine beauty again. We need to prepare in order to make a lasting impact. 
Moral: the more you prepare, better the outcome. 

Lessons from Nature: Essence

'You are the Salt of the Earth', Jesus says this in the gospel according to Mathew 5:13 (Bible). This statement set me thinking. M...