Saturday, 14 November 2020

Lessons from Nature: Being Undemanding

One Sunday morning I woke up a little later than usual. The room was brightened by the gentle morning sun. The whole week was very tiring with tests, assignments, classes and video and poster editing. After freshening up I sat on my bed and with no intention of working, I picked up my phone, played 4 pics 1 word, scrolled through some Facebook 5minuts craft videos, watched a few funny clips on YouTube, replied to my What’s app contacts and listened to some music. I was not satisfied, I was feeling lazy, looking around I realized that my room was a mess and it resembled a perfect garbage treatment plant. I told myself 5 min break and then total clean up. I began cleaning my bed, my basket of dirty clothes was overflowing even my study table was decorated with clothes. I cleared the table, arranged my books, put the pens and markers in the pen-holder and there I saw my 4 tiny cactus pots. The plants were in good condition. They still looked fresh. I hadn’t nurtured them, nor did they even get proper sunlight in my apparently dingy room. I felt very bad that I had not cared enough for the plants that beautified my room, especially my table. These plants had made me feel fresh. Taking care of plants is as good as having a pet. And when the plants grows well it’s a great joy for the one who takes care of it. Here despite my negligence the suclants had survived. I felt relieved that the plants were in good condition. This made me realize that the cactus is really strong as well as low maintenance plant. It’s so undemanding. I’m often fussy about food, clothing and other luxuries but this cactus plants thought me to be tough and most importantly undemanding when it comes to comforts and luxury. 
Moral: As Buddha said, “Desire is the root cause of sorrow,” thus find happiness in what you have.  

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Lessons from Nature: Stand out

One fine morning I went to the terrace to expose myself to some vitamin D. I looked around it was pleasant, the blue sky served as a wonderful background to the cheerful white clouds, the morning sun and the calm breeze brightened my mood. 
I walked around in order to flex my muscles and that’s when I spotted beautiful pink flowers blooming under the solar panels. I immediately bent down to have a closer look at them. My right hand mechanically reached my pocket; I clicked picture of those beautiful flowers from all the angles possible. While admiring my photography skills and of course the beautiful flowers I realized there was a problem. The pot looked horrible and mud failed to resemble the soil we see in YouTube videos: perfectly moist, blackish-brown and effortlessly soft. I was discouraged and stood up and that’s when wisdom dawned upon me. I realized that it’s not the pot or the look of the soil that is essential rather the most important thing is the kind of plant and the way the gardener nurtures it. In our lives too we blame the people around us for being corrupt and immoral. We seldom realize that we need to stand out. Our upbringing and our character is that what can help us make a difference.
Moral: Let's stand out despite of the external struggles, because what matters is our inner strength. 

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Lessons from Nature: Care and Love

One sunny afternoon the laziness in me was getting attracted towards the b ed. I decided I could rest for some time, but before I forget, I wanted to water the flower pot on my window and that’s when my whole focus shifted from crashing on to the bed to the cat outside my window. The cat had three kittens and it was grooming them. It licked them gently while the kittens were playfully jumping all over and the mother cat was watching over them. I could not believe my eyes it was the same cat that was hissing at me a few days back while I accidently reached too close to it. I was also reminded how the same cat had mercilessly caught and killed a vulnerable pigeon. It had also got into an ugly situation with a dog that just wanted to play; it scratched the dog so bad that it would have gone blind. 
I was lost in my thoughts, but a tiny tin dropped by one of the kittens brought me back to reality. I wondered to myself, how this cat which is generally so cruel be so nice. I realized that even we humans, are kind, loving and compassionate towards the people we like. We human beings are blessed with reason and understanding and it’s easier for us to take control and know the difference between good and bad. I was thrilled by what I was thinking; I felt how Thomas Edison must have felt while inventing the bulb. We have become destructive because the love within us is sinking. In olden days most people lived knowing and loving those around them. In the villages people knew practically everybody, thus would not want to hurt. We claim that technology has made the entire world a global village, but we don’t even know the person staying in the adjacent flat in my building. There are thefts and murders in our neigbourhood and we get to know about this through social media after a few some time, we aren’t there to console or help the victims or distressed. My biggest realization was that if we have a little love and care we could change the world and make it a better place. Hatred can’t be fought with hatred we need love to defeat it. Let’s be kind and try to love all.

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Lessons from Nature: Don’t be ashamed

 On an unusual gloomy day I went out for a walk. The weather was crazy that day, it was suddenly raining cats and dogs and the next moment there was bright sunshine. 
As I was trying to comprehend the weather I looked around, it was a beautiful sight with all the greenery around. It was blowing and I could feel the freshness, but suddenly my olfactory indicators identified a foul stench and I soon realized that it was from the piggery nearby so I advanced towards it.  As we were walking towards it I could hear my friend whispering all sought of curses at the pigs. I love animals but I didn’t say a word. I saw Chinu-Mama with the wet waste dustbin, feeding the pigs. As I looked towards the piggery I felt I was hypnotized I could not think clearly.  My vision was blurred. As I was struggling I precipitously came back to reality. I imagined the world without pigs in particular and other animals that clean our surrounding in general. How filthy and dirty our world would be? No animals to clean up thus increase in waste and rotting of waste would give rise to various diseases. 
I thanked God for creating pigs and other animals that clean our surrounding. I suddenly heard someone saying to Chinu-Mama: “Do your work quickly there is lot more to do”. This harsh voice brought me back to reality, and in all consciousness I said another prayer, this time it was for us human beings. I asked God to give us the grace to respect all, irrespective of their caste, creed, language, colour and most importantly occupation. I prayed for wisdom so that we may realize the hard work and importance of people who are doing what society would term as ‘dirty work’. 
Another important learning was that, pigs actually are more than what we know about them. Pigs are smart! Their intelligence is higher than a dog’s. Pigs are naturally clean, they like to bath and keep them cool. When they are trained, piglets can learn their names at just two to three weeks old. They can learn to respond when called and learn tricks faster than dogs. Pigs have excellent memories. They can remember things for years and can recognize and remember objects! A pig’s sense of smell is about 2000 times more sensitive than human's. Pigs are incredibly social. They form close bonds with each other and other animals. To keep warm, pigs may cuddle up with one another.
Do you still hate pigs? Pigs despite all these qualities of theirs are not ashamed of doing what society would call dirty jobs. Why are we human beings ashamed? Why do we judge each other according to our occupation?
Moral: Do not be ashamed, you are doing nothing wrong, your job is so special that all aren’t able to do it. 

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Lessons from Nature: Leave a Mark

Something extraordinary caught my attention few days ago on a wet morning. The rain had just stopped so I moved out to enjoy the refreshing nature that we are blessed with. While I was walking on a cemented surface I saw something silver and shiny. It looked like someone had robbed a barrel of liquid silver and while running way had accidently left a trail. I decided to follow just to satisfy the curious me. Before I started following the trail I zoomed in to have a closer look. It looked like a mark left by a snail, but this seemed different, larger and thicker. As I began following this extraordinary looking ordinary trail I saw a huge African snail. This beautiful looking creature was so vulnerable, it was in the parking area, could be smashed easily by a vehicle. I felt pity thus picked it up and placed it in the garden nearby. 
I felt proud as a scout since I helped the creature, and decided to get some rest; luckily I soon spotted a bench as I was heading towards it I got an insight. The snail has lot to teach us. Firstly, life is not as easy as it appears to be, it has to struggle so much just to go somewhere, and it has to keep up with the fast changing world. But the snail knows what it is, despite of its difficulties it still decide to tread the dangerous path. Second, no matter how insignificant or helpless you feel your Creator will take care because he has a purpose for all. Finally, most important thing is that we don’t know what the future entails, we may die and go but we need to leave a mark, we need to be of help to this wounded humanity especially in the present circumstances. 
That very evening curiosity got the better of me; I started looking for snail trails. I found one trail; I was excited about the potential chance I had to help yet another snail. But to my dismay when I reached the end of the trail I could only see a crushed shell. It was dry indicating that it wasn’t fresh. The snail was dead but it had left a mark. 
Moral: Leave a mark, your life counts. 

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

🧐Can WE be called Just Friends😉

We met in Mumbai amidst an army of youngsters🏙️👬🏻👭🏼👫🏻
Over 3 years now for ur love I can fight like a gangster 🕵🏻‍♂️🔪🔫

When we met we weren't connected ❌💞
It was just ur sister n cousin that we wanted🤭

In the relationship u acted like the middle man💌
But ur awesome character made me ur fan❤️

I admired and on Your every photo generously commented📸
Good impression on your heart this cemented ❣️

I began falling in love with ur personality n the way u are👩🏻
M sure I'll not forget u even though we stay so far 🚊

Now over years our friendship has grown strong💪🏻
We love each other, its pure and in this there's no wrong 🔞

Love? Not the superficial or girlfriend, boyfriend 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Its deep n surpasses every mountain and valley or any land 🏔️🏜️🏖️

Chatting, phone calls n playing ludo with u is awesome 📲📞📍
Doing this I can go on n on n never feel tiresome 🏃🏻‍♂️

People reading our chats may doubt our friendship 💓
But I'll always defend it coz we very well know if broken our hearts it will rip 💔

For ur friendship I long👩‍❤️‍👨

Your beautiful face caught my attention 💋
That very moment my spirit n body got into action🕺🏻

To talk to u, I formally approached u👨🏻‍💼
Your shy smile drew glances of a few👀

We had lunch sitting together🍛🍝
The memories of u are stronger than leather 💪🏻

As we ate u caught me sharing my number 📱
U immediately memorized it, I forgot all slumber🤔

We planned from love to outings and  children to marriage👰🏻🤵🏻👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
N believed that this will last from age to age ♻️🕑

Almost two years did our relationship last 2️⃣❣️
I didn't know u would end everything so fast💔

You blocked me not only on the phone...🚫
My heart ached n also each n every bone☠️

I just wanted a chance to talk 📲
My intentions weren't to open a sophisticated lock🔑

I needed no explanation, only friendship 👩‍❤️‍👨
U gave me no time the grief is now too deep🥺

To get in touch with u I tried my best😬
Task seemed difficult but my soul was never at rest🥵 

Finally with some help I managed to message💌
Just ur hi... seemed like reading an entire page 📃

I know its entirety my mistake 🥴
U were ready but that commitment I didn't make💍

I still cry to u in tears 😭
All I need is our friendship, it will cleanse all my fears 🤕

In my  heart deep within still echoes i love u💓
N all I expect in return is .. ur heart saying b there for u 💞

Lessons from Nature: Essence

'You are the Salt of the Earth', Jesus says this in the gospel according to Mathew 5:13 (Bible). This statement set me thinking. M...