Friday, 3 February 2017

Philosophy of My Life

Philosophy of My Life

Infancio Pires was born in Carambolim, Goa, India on 10th October 1994 in a devout catholic family. At this point of time he is doing his philosophical studies at Divyadaan. His father is an accountant in Taj and mother a teacher while his sister is doing her studies in Goa medical college. His family is very much involved in church activities. Looks like all these factors influenced him a great deal and thus he has decided to become a priest and help others to live life to the full. He also wants to go to the periphery to preach the Good News and give dignity to others.

Basic conviction
·        There is just one life, live it to the fullest
·        Happiness will not easily come to us we need to strive towards it.
·        Sorrows are part of  life without which we would not understand the meaning of happiness
·        Whatever happens, happens for good, we may not realize the good that comes out of it immediately

Philosophy of God
·        God exists, he has created us and he sustains us
·        Deep within us we either affirm or negate the existence of God
·        The fact that the thought of God’s existence or non-existence crops in our mind shows that there is someone. Or else the thought would not have come at all
·        I believe in God’s existence because I feel his presence even though I did not see Him, hear from Him, nor touch Him.
·        When I question myself how can I trust my feelings so much? The rational side of me awakens.
·        I am convinced that this whole world and everyone and everything in it cannot just be mere chance.
·        Thomas Aquinas’ 5 proofs are convincing enough at least for me. And those who don’t believe even after all these proofs and testimonies of people I am sure they won’t believe until and unless God himself reveals himself to them.

Philosophy of Man
·        Man is like the cherry on the cake, God’s final and most beloved creature
·        Human being are community beings or social animals
·        Human beings cannot live as an island, we need other human beings to have meaning in life
·        Human beings are the rulers of the earth; I say this because we are blessed with a unique gift: reason and we are expected to be just and merciful.
·        Human is the most powerful being as we use intellect to make life for himself and others comfortable and easy
·        Human being is expected to live in communion with other beings but at times the selfishness overpowers and man becomes an animal.
·        Each person is unique. There are no two people who are same. Each one is created with a purpose. Therefore we have no right to take any one’s life or our own.
·        Man and women are created to complement each other and live happily. No one can claim to be superior or inferior to the other.
·        Without any of the one, men or women the human race would not have continued therefore we need both and need to respect each other.
·        Nowadays there is also an increasing awareness of who have homosexual orientation, we need to respect them and give them space to live as normal human beings.
·        Crimes in the world are increasing because we are becoming selfish

Philosophy of World
·        This world or earth is our first home. Without which we would not exist.
·        World is the creation of God and this world we live in is the best world for us. I say for us, because there may be other undiscovered worlds but this is best suited for us.
·        Our world is good and beautiful, because we know that God does create junk.
·        The existence of this world is also a proof of God’s existence.
·        The world was created out of nothing and is sustained by God directly or indirectly.
·        I believe in the theory of evolution this does not mean that I don’t believe in God .
·        For something to evolve there needs to be that something. And that something is created by God.
·        We are the crown of creation, this does not give us the license to kill and destroy other creatures for our selfish motives. On the contrary since we have reason we need to take care of the other beings.
·        All the creatures in the world are interdependent. Therefore the death of one can lead to the death of other.
·        All the natural calamities are partly the result of the harm we do to our mother earth.
·        God has created the world and it cannot be destroyed completely without his will.

Good and Evil
·        As we have learned that evil is the privation of due good.
·        I have an analogy which helps me to understand good and evil, I equate good to light and evil to darkness. What is darkness? It is the absence of light. Why is darkness necessary? To understand the importance of light. Only in darkness does the light shine more brightly.
·        We do not choose evil intentionally. Most of the time evil is chosen by us on pretext of good. The evil my apparently seem good but in the long run we realize that what seemed good is not good after all.

That what gives Purpose and Meaning to my life
·        First and foremost what gives meaning to my life is the love which I receive from my family and friends.
·        I am blest with this life this shows that I am not useless. I have to play my part; this conviction gives me boost and zeal to live my life well.
·        Life is difficult but surely wonderful. so each of us need to live our God given life well.

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