How do we know whether an insight is correct or not? An insight is
correct if there are no further relevant questions. No.. no.. it’s not simple
to say that there are no further relevant questions that occur to me.
To pass a judgment hastily would be rash. But on the other hand if
we do not decide or are very slow to make decisions, this itself may take away
the possibility of further question. So how do we strike a balance?
Give further questions a chance to arise. We got be alert,
spend time over the issue and if possible test it in action.
See that the problem is set correctly. To set a problem
correctly we have to be familiar with it. And to be familiar we have to already
know many things about it. This is a vicious circle.
The process of learning. The vicious
circle is broken by the process of learning. Here we do not judge, we suspended
our own judgments, but we take the judgments from others. The process of
learning is a self-correcting process.
Temperament. Rashness and indecision are based
in temperament. We need to be aware of our temperament and make efforts to
overcome our tendencies.
Even after following all these points we cannot be certain. This is
not a formula to get a correct insight or to make a good judgment, it’s just an
outline. These are just some factors to be kept in mind.